Transfer Admission Requirements

Florida Tech welcomes students transferring from other post-secondary institutions. The university is a great option for students looking to take coursework in their chosen degree immediately. Florida Tech is a direct admit university and students apply for and are admitted directly into their desired degree programs. Apply anytime or get more information about how your credits will transfer.

Academic Preparedness

When reviewing transfer applications, our primary focus is on your prior academic performance in college, which makes your college transcripts the most important element of your application. Undergraduate transfer applicants must demonstrate preparation for continued undergraduate study and the readiness to succeed in a challenging academic program at Florida Tech.

In general, transfer students should have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher in prior college coursework to be considered for admission. Students who have completed less than 24 semester hours of college coursework, when applying, will also be evaluated on their high school (secondary) preparedness as outlined in their high school transcripts.

Transfer Application Requirements

When to Apply

Florida Tech is a rolling admissions university. Applications for undergraduate transfer admission are accepted year-round and evaluated as they are received. Typically, transfer applicants will receive an admissions decision within 10 business days of submitting a completed application. Transfer credit evaluations are processed separately, and may require more or less time to review.

Materials to Submit

To be evaluated for transfer admission, you must submit a complete Florida Tech application, or a Transfer Common Application, as well as:

  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (with English translations if international)
  • High school transcript, high school diploma or GED (must bear date of graduation)
  • Standardized test scores (if you have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit)

Transfer Credit Information

Prior college or university coursework will be evaluated for transfer credit on a course by course basis by the Office of the Registrar. Students who have completed advanced credit coursework or demonstrated proficiency in certain subject areas through placement or equivalency examinations may receive college credit for their work upon enrolling at Florida Tech. This applies to students with prior flight training as well.

How much credit will transfer to Florida Tech? Whether your college credit, advanced credit, or test scores are accepted depends on the type of course or test, the subject, your score, and if there is an appropriate Florida Tech equivalent. This determination is made by the Office of the Registrar.

Florida Tech understands that as a transferring student, one of your top priorities is learning how many of your previously earned college credits will transfer to Florida Tech and apply to your degree. To help you get this information as early in the process as possible, please have your official college transcripts sent to us as soon as you can. Our goal is to have a Transfer of Credit Evaluation (TCE) completed as quickly as possible, after you have been admitted to the university, so that you have a clear understanding of the amount of coursework and time you have remaining to complete a degree and can make an informed decision on enrollment.

Once the university receives your official college transcripts and any advance standing test results, The Office of the Registrar (and in some cases, the academic department) will begin the TCE process. Typically, the TCE process takes two to three weeks. As soon as your initial TCE is complete, it will be emailed to you in an attachment and viewable through your Admitted Student Portal. Your final TCE will be completed after the university has received all final official transcripts and you have confirmed your intent to enroll by paying a non-refundable tuition deposit.

This course conversion chart is based on the Eastern Florida State College common course numbering system. Course numbers may vary from college to college. Therefore, if there is a question regarding course transferability, please contact the Office of Admission.


Prior credit for college coursework earned at a regionally accredited college or university will undergo a transfer credit evaluation by the Office of the Registrar.

Final Transfer of Credit Evaluations (TCE), based on all official transcripts received, are completed after confirmation of attendance and a tuition deposit is received.

The evaluation of undergraduate transfer credit is produced from official academic records bearing the correct seals and duly authorized signatures from all former institutions. The Office of the Registrar coordinates the process, certifies courses without respect to the major and provides notice of the official evaluation. Transcripts are considered official only when mailed directly to Florida Tech, or received through secure electronic transcript organizations, from each previously attended institution.

The application of undergraduate transfer credit to the degree program is completed by the respective academic department. Students may be asked to supply a relevant course catalog, syllabi and course descriptions.

  1. Undergraduate transfer credit may be awarded for undergraduate courses taken at a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association in the United States, or with equivalent recognition in the case of a college or university elsewhere.
  2. Florida Tech accepts in transfer, undergraduate courses with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent and a determination the work is equivalent to that given by Florida Tech in course content and hours.
  3. Courses accepted in transfer are placed on the Florida Tech transcript, however, grades and grade points do not transfer.
  4. If the course equivalency is questionable, credit may be granted by equivalency examination.
  5. Flight credit is transferable, subject to FAA rules for transferability between schools.
  6. Credit is not given for:
    • courses listed on a transcript without a grade
    • courses carrying grades but not credit hours
    • vocational/technical courses
    • correspondence courses, internships and practica
    • experiential learning
    • in most cases, courses taken more than 10 years prior to Florida Tech enrollment
    • courses taken as a graduate-level student
    • Transfer credit for grades of 'P' or 'S' are subject to the approval of the University Registrar.
  7. Florida Tech's forgiveness policy is not applicable to transfer credits.

Entering students with previous flight training and at least the FAA Private Pilot Certificate will be given the opportunity for advanced placement. Credit for certain flight and ground courses may be given for attainment of satisfactory on designated equivalency examinations and by logbook review and flight evaluation.

Students entering with prior flight certificates (Private, Instrument, Commercial) will take the written knowledge equivalency exam of the highest flight rating they have achieved. Once this exam is passed, the student will receive credit for that exam, as well as all of the lower flight rating credits, if any. The written exam satisfies the corresponding ground school. For flight equivalency, the Chair of Flight Education Committee will utilize an assessment or a variety of assessments to gauge the student’s flight capabilities.

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